🌌 "Fate: 1, Free Will: 0—The Kodumbalur Edition!"
Have you ever felt utterly pointless in life? 🤔 Ever questioned if you truly have free will or if the universe is just playing a cosmic prank on you? 🎭 Have you pulled off something legendary only to realise you were just a glorified chess piece in fate’s grand game? ⚙️ That it was the universe's will all the while and you were only a cog in the great wheel? ⚔️ Listen on as Varaguna Pandyan II leads a death-defying skirmish on Kodumbalur, wins by a scintilating strategem, and realises the pointlessness of it all. ♟️ Well, buckle up, because history is about to throw you into the battlefield!
Listen to this epic episode, where ⚔️ "the battle is won, but the meaning of life is lost—the ancient way!" 🏰 "Where one realises that History is just a bunch of people thinking they had free will." 😆🎙️
#HistoryRepeats #FateVsFreeWill #AncientAnecdotes #WarAndWisdom